A client may be shared by multiple doulas. This means that multiple doulas will also be seeing the same client profile.
If you create a client and we notice that the information inputted matches a pre-existing client created by another doula, you will be taken to the Shared client step in the Create client flow.
On that step, read the message and click the checkbox to indicate that you understand this client will be added to your account as a shared client.
Who can see what
On Client Profiles
In general, visit data and client information will be visible to all the doulas sharing that client on the client's Client Profile
You will be able to see all visits associated with the client, even if they were not submitted by you.
The visit count will also reflect all visits associated with the client.
You will be able to see all off-platform visits associated with the client
When you make edits to the Client Information, all other doulas can also see those changes.
On Clients page
Shared Clients will show up on your Clients table on the Clients page alongside your other clients.
On Visits page
Only visits you have submitted will be displayed on the Visits table on the Visit page. The visits done by other doulas for a shared client will not appear on your Visits page.
To view visits done by other doulas, you need to click into the shared client's Client Profile.
You will only get paid for the visits you have submitted on a shared client.