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Client Profiles
Client Profiles
Updated over a week ago

The Client Profile is where you can view and edit information that pertains to a particular client. Each client you create will have their own client profile.

How to access a client's Client Profile

In general, you can go to a client's Client Profile by

  1. Navigating to the Clients page

  2. Identifying the row in the Clients table in which the client appears

  3. Clicking on the row.

You may also navigate to a client's Client Profile by clicking the client tag wherever it appears.

Note: Information on the client profile is only visible to you and will not be shared with the client.

What's on a Client Profile

There are two main sections on the Client Profile - Client information and Visits.

On desktop devices,

On mobile devices,

  • You will find Visits and Client Information in two separate tabs.

  • Visits is the default tab that is open

  • On the bottom right corner is a Submit Visit button that will allow you to submit visit for this client. Learn more about submitting a visit

Shared Clients

Some clients may be shared across multiple doulas. The Client Profiles for shared clients are marked with a Shared Clients tag.

In general,

  • When you make a change on any Client Information field for a shared client, it will update for all doulas who share that client.

  • When you submit a visit for a client, the visit will become visible to all doulas who share the client

Client Information

The client information section is divided into 4 different subsections: Pregnancy, Insurance, Personal Details and Contact Information.

Each section can be edited by clicking the Edit button, which opens a drawer in which you can edit the fields associated with that section.


The Pregnancy section is the first subsection you see in the Client Information section. It displays information related to the client's pregnancy.

Pregnancy Status

A client can be Prenatal, Postpartum, or Inactive. A client’s pregnancy status is first configured when you create a client.

Automated Status Changes

  • If a client is prenatal, and you submit a Labor & Delivery visit (including abortion and miscarriage support), the client’s pregnancy status will be updated to postpartum.

  • If a client is prenatal and you submit a Perinatal, Postpartum visit or a Postpartum, Extended visit, you will be prompted to provide the Pregnancy End Date. When you submit the visit, your client’s pregnancy status will also be updated to postpartum.

  • If a client is postpartum, and it now has been a year since the Pregnancy End Date, the client’s status will now be updated to inactive.

    • Once a client is inactive, you will not be able to submit a visit for the client.

Manual Status Changes

  • You may also move a client from prenatal and postpartum manually. You can do this in the Pregnancy tab of the Edit Client Information drawer by clicking the Edit button in the Pregnancy section. Then, click “Move client to Postpartum.”

  • Fill out the modal that appears to change the client’s status from prenatal to postpartum.

Estimated Due Date

  • For clients who are Prenatal, the Estimated Due Date that you entered when you created a client is displayed. Once a client is in the Postpartum or Inactive status, this field will be hidden.

Pregnancy End Date

  • This refers to the date the pregnancy ended, irregardless of the outcome of the pregnancy).

  • For clients who are Postpartum, the Pregnancy End Date that you entered when creating the client or when moving the client to postpartum will be displayed.

You will not be able to make changes to Pregnancy End Date directly on the portal.

The Pregnancy End Date affects how long the client is eligible for doula services.

If you realized a client’s pregnancy end date needs to be edited, please contact [email protected]

Additional Postpartum Visits

Some clients are eligible for an additional 9 Perinatal, Postpartum visits with a provider recommendation.

If the client is eligible, you will see an Upload recommendation link to upload a provider recommendation that approves them for these additional services.

If the link is not visible, you will not see the Upload recommendation link. A message will be displayed explaining to you why this client is not eligible.


The Insurance section is the second subsection you see in the Client Information section. It displays information related to the client's health plans.

Insurance Status

A client’s insurance can be:

  • Under Review: this is the client’s default insurance status when you create the client

  • Active: the client’s insurance has been verified by Loula

  • Unverified: the client’s insurance could not be verified with the information you’ve inputted

    • If you see this status, you will receive an additional email explaining to you what you should do next to verify the client’s insurance.

  • Inactive: this client’s insurance is confirmed to be inactive

    • Please ask the client to see if they have switched to any other insurance coverage.

    • When you get the client’s updated health plan information, use the “Edit” button under the Insurance section of the Client Profile to update the health plan.

Insurance Information

For each health plan associated with the client, you will see all the fields associated with the client’s insurance:

  • Health Plan Name

  • Member ID

  • Group ID

  • Insurance card (front and back)

  • Subscriber details (if applicable)

Additional Insurance

If the insurance you have provided is a Medi-Cal plan, you will see an option to add additional insurance.

Editing Insurance Information

You may edit the insurance information for the health plan(s) associated with each client by:

  1. Clicking the Edit button on the Insurance section of the Client Profile

  2. On the Insurance tab, clicking the Edit button next to the health plan you want to edit.

  3. Make the changes you want to make.

  4. Click Save changes to save the changes to the Client Profile.

Every time you make changes to health plan information, the insurance will be moved into Under Review.

We will verify your client’s insurance using the information you’ve provided and update you within three business days via email when we have a determination.

Personal Details

This section displays

  • Client’s Name

  • Client’s Preferred Name

  • Client Date of Birth

  • Sex

  • Pronouns

  • Address

Editing Personal Details

To make changes to any of these fields, click the Edit button on this subsection, and make the changes you want to make in the Personal tab of the Edit Client Information drawer that appears.

Contact Information

This section displays

  • Client’s phone number

  • Client’s email address

Editing Contact Information

To make changes to any of these fields, click the Edit button on this subsection, and make the changes you want to make in the Contact tab of the Edit Client Information drawer that appears.

Visit Overview

On the Client Profile, you will find a overview of your visit count. These numbers give you a quick summary of the number of each visit type you have completed for the client.

Visits are bucketed into four categories:

  • Initial, 90-min

    • Prenatal

    • Postpartum

  • Perinatal

    • Prenatal

    • Postpartum

  • Labor & Delivery

    • Vaginal delivery

    • Vaginal delivery after previous C-section (VBAC)

    • C-section

    • Abortion Support

    • Miscarriage Support

  • Postpartum, Extended

For each bucket, you will see the number of visits you have submitted for this client. Next to this visit count, you will see the number of visits that are remaining.

If you've logged off-platform visits, these visits will NOT affect the number of visits you have submitted. However, they will affect the number of visits that are remaining.

Note: For Shared Clients, visit count is shared across all the doulas who are providing services for the client.


Below the Visits Overview section, you will find a table that displays all the visits you’ve ever submitted for this client.

At the top of the table, you will find the total number of visits submitted, as well as the total payment associated with those visits.

You may view the Visit Details page for each visit by clicking on the row in which the visit appear.

This table is paginated so that it displays 10 visit rows at a time. To see more visits, click the Arrow buttons below the table.

Off-platform visits will now show up in the visit table. Learn more about off-platform visits.

Note: For Shared Clients,

  • You will see all visits submitted by all doulas sharing the client in the Client Profile Visits table

  • The total payment associated with those visits will be hidden.

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