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Submitting a visit
Submitting a visit
Updated over 2 months ago

To submit a visit, click Submit Visit from the Home page, the Visit page, or a Client Profile.

Guidelines for submitting visits

Remember to:

  • Submit visits as soon as you can. Visits must be submitted within the cycle they occur or the cycle immediately following that cycle.

Find all guidelines for submitting visits in the Loula Handbook.

Step 1: Select a client

The first step is to select a client by entering their name. Select the client you want to submit a visit for from the dropdown that appears.

You will only be able to proceed with submitting a visit if the client’s insurance is active.

Step 2: Visit Type

Next, select what type of visit it is that you want to submit. There may be follow-up questions depending on the visit type that you select.

You may select:

  • Initial, 90-min

    • Prenatal

    • Postpartum

  • Perinatal

    • Prenatal

    • Postpartum

  • Labor & Delivery

    • Vaginal delivery

    • Vaginal delivery after previous C-section (VBAC)

    • C-section

    • Abortion Support

    • Miscarriage Support

  • Postpartum, Extended

Perinatal, Postpartum and Postpartum, Extended are two different visit types with two different payment rates.

  • Perinatal, Postpartum are paid at a flat rate and counts towards your Perinatal visit count.

  • Postpartum, Extended are paid per 15-minute increment, up to 3 hours, and they have a separate Postpartum, Extended visit count.

Step 3: Visit Date & Time

Next, you will be prompted to input the:

  • Visit Date

  • Visit Start Time

  • Visit Duration

    • Initial, 90-min visits must be 90-minutes or longer.

    • For Postpartum, Extended visits, visit duration affects how much you are paid.

For Labor & Delivery visits (excluding miscarriage or abortion support):

  • Make sure the visit date matches the date of delivery(i.e. the baby's date of birth).

  • You will also be prompted to input the date the visit started

Step 4: Visit Location

Next, you will be prompted to select the visit mode:

  • In-person

  • Audio-only

  • Audio & video

In-person visits

If you select In-person, select the visit location:

  • Client’s home

  • My office

  • Medical facility or birth center

  • Other

If you select Medical facility or birth center, find the medical facility in which this visit occurred via the Facility NPI Look-up field. A modal will appear when you click the field that helps you find the facility NPI.

If you select Other, input where this visit takes place in the text field that appears upon selection.


  • For Labor & Delivery, Vaginal delivery or VBAC, you will only be shown Client’s home or Medical facility or birth center

  • For Labor & Delivery, C-section, you will only be shown Medical facility or birth center

For Labor & Delivery visits Vaginal delivery or VBAC takes places in Client’s home,

  • Find the provider that was present for this at-home birth from the Provider NPI Look-up.

Audio or Audio & video visits (Telehealth visits)

If you select a telehealth visit, indicate whether or not the client was in their home at the time of this visit.

For Labor & Delivery visits Vaginal delivery or VBAC that are telehealth and the client is in their home.

  • Find the provider that was present for this at-home birth from the Provider NPI Look-up.

Step 5: Services Provided

For this step, select the services you provided for the client during this visit. You may select as many of the options as applicable.

Your selection for this selection helps us stay in compliance with record-keeping requirements.

We encourage you to keep more extensive visit notes on your own, off-platform.

Step 6: Review & Submit

The final step before you submit a visit is to review your submission.

If you notice a field that you want to edit, click the Edit button next to the section in which the field appears. This will take you back to the step in which that field appears.

After making the change, click through the remaining steps. Be sure to resolve any errors or fill in any new fields that may come up as a result of the edit.

To submit the visit, attest that you have reviewed the visit details by clicking the checkbox next to the statement. Then, click Submit Visit.

Double-check all visits before submitting them!

Once they have been submitted, they cannot be edited directly on the portal.

Visit details

Once a visit is submitted, a Visit Details page will be created for the visit.

Every visit is added to your Visits table in the Visits page. It will also be added to the Visits table in the respective Client Profile.

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