Before you can submit visits, you first have to to create a client on Loula.
You may create a client clicking the the Create Client button on the Home page or on the Clients page.
To create a client, you will be taken through the following steps:
Basic Information
Insurance Details
Additional Insurance
Insurance Subscriber
Client Details
Review & Create
What you need to create a client
Before you create a client on Loula, make sure to collecting the following information from your client:
Client's Legal Name
Date of Birth
Health Plan Name
Whether the health plan is Medi-Cal or Commercial
Member ID
Group ID (if applicable)
Front of client's insurance card (photo or scan)
Back of client's insurance card (photo or scan)
Sex (as recorded on medical record)
Phone Number
Email Address
Estimated Due Date or Pregnancy End Date (i.e. date of delivery)
For clients with a Medi-Cal plan:
You will need to know whether the client has any additional insurance. If the client does have additional insurance, collect the following information for that insurance plan:
Health Plan name
Member ID
Group ID
Front and backs of client's insurance card
For clients with a Commercial plan:
You will need to know who the insurance subscriber is (Self, Spouse, Parent, or Other). If the insurance subscriber is not the client themself, you will need to provide the following information for the insurance subscriber:
Subscriber's Legal Name
Subscriber's Date of Birth
Subscriber's Member ID
Subscriber's Group ID (if applicable)
Subscriber's Sex (as recorded on medical record)
Subscriber's Phone Number
Basic Information
For the first step of this flow, you will need to
1. Fill in the following fields:
Client’s First Name
Client’s Middle Initial
Client’s Last Name
Client’s Date of Birth
Client’s Health Plan
Client’s Insurance Member ID
2. Upload:
The front of the client’s insurance card
The back of the client’s insurance card
It’s important to get this information correct or else there will be delays in verifying your client’s insurance.
Once you input all of the information, click Next.
Insurance Details
Note: If the client you inputted already exists in our system, you will be taken instead to the Shared Clients step. You will be prompted to Add client instead of creating a client.
At this step, answer if the client’s insurance card includes a Group ID. If it does, provide the Group ID.
If the Health Plan selected has both Medi-Cal and Commercial plans, you will be prompted to indicate if the client has a Medi-Cal plan or a Commercial plan.
When you are done with this step, click Next.
Additional Insurance
Note: If your client has a Commercial plan, you will go directly to the next step — Insurance Subscriber.
On this step, indicate whether or not the client has another insurance plan in addition to the health plan you have indicated.
Always ask if your client has any additional insurance, especially if they have a Medi-Cal plan.
For example, your client may have a plan via their employer, their spouse, or their parent. Or, the client may receive veterans benefits and have an additional health plan through TRICARE.
If you’ve indicated that the client has additional insurance, input or upload:
Insurance name
If you cannot find the Health Plan name in the look-up, you may enter in the Health Plan name as it appears on the insurance card.
Front of Insurance Card (Upload)
Back of Insurance Card (Upload)
Member ID
Group ID (if applicable)
When you are done with this step, click Next.
Insurance Subscriber
Note: If your client only has a Commercial plan, you will go directly to the next step — Client Details.
On this step, select the Insurance Subscriber.
The Insurance Subscriber is the person who holds the insurance policy. You may select one of four options:
Client’s spouse
Client’s parent
‘Other’ may be applicable if the client is in a domestic partnership or if the client has any other dependent relationship to the insurance subscriber.
If you’ve indicated that the insurance subscriber is Client’s spouse, Client’s parent, or Other, you will be prompted to provide:
Subscriber's Name
Subscriber's Date of Birth
Subscriber's Member ID
Subscriber's Group ID (if applicable)
Subscriber's Sex
Subscriber's Phone Number
Subscriber's Address
When you are done with this step, click Next.
Client Details
The final step before you review what you’ve inputted is to input additional client details.
Provide the following information for the client:
Preferred First Name (optional)
Pronouns (optional)
Phone Number
Pregnancy Status
Select Prenatal or Postpartum
Estimated Due Date (if Prenatal is selected)
Pregnancy End Date (if Postpartum is selected)
The Pregnancy End Date for many cases is the date the client delivered (i.e. the baby’s date of birth). If the pregnancy ends in an abortion or miscarriage, the ‘Pregnancy End Date’ is the date client this miscarriage or abortion occured.
If the client is already postpartum, please ensure the Pregnancy End Date is accurate!
We use this date to calculate when the client is eligible until for doula services. Clients are eligible for doula services for up to a year after their pregnancy ends.
When you are done with this step, click Next.
Review & Create
Review the information you have provided.
If you want to edit any information, use the Edit button. When you click the button, you will be taken back to the step the Edit button corresponds with.
If you've clicked the Edit button, use the Next button at the bottom right of the page to continue through the remaining steps. Make sure to fill in any additional fields that may appear as a result of your edits.
To create the client, attest to the following two statements:
I have not billed for this client independent of Loula
I confirm that the information inputted is accurate and matches what’s on the client’s insurance card.
Then, click Create client.
Client Profile and Insurance Verification
A Client Profile has now been created for this client.
Your client's insurance verification is now under review. It may take up to 3 business days to verify your client's insurance. Once we have an update on your client's insurance, you will receive an update via email.
Currently, we are manually verifying your client’s insurance information. It maybe take up to 3 business days to verify your client’s insurance.