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Documenting your work history
Documenting your work history

This guide will help you complete the work history section of your doula application with confidence.

Updated over a month ago

Why This Matters

Although this information isn't required for Medi-Cal enrollment, some managed care plans do require it for credentialing. Collecting this data now ensures smoother future processes—you won't need to provide it again for new credentials.

What to include as work

Your resume should include your doula experience from the past five years. List both formal and informal experiences, such as volunteering with organizations, doula or midwife assistant work, and work you’ve done in a hospital or birthing center. You don't need to include work unrelated to perinatal health. If you've been a doula for more than five years, focus on your last 5 years of experience. If you're just starting your doula journey, include all relevant experience gained so far.

Resume Upload

Please upload your resume which best exemplifies your doula experience. If you have other professional experience outside of perinatal health, those experiences do not need to be listed on the resume.

Resume Format

ℹ️ Please make sure each item in your resume is in the following format:

[Job title], [Company/Organization Name]

[City], [State]

[Beginning Month/Year] - [Ending Month/Year]

[Role description]

Here's an example of a resume that meets all health plan requirements:

You can download a copy of this example resume by scrolling to the bottom of this article.

🚨 Your resume must include both the month and year of your work experience, and any gaps 6 months or longer need to be explained.

Entering your work experience

Job Title: Enter your role for that experience. Examples include: Doula, Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Full-spectrum Doula, Midwife, or Doula Assistant.

Company/Organization Name: Enter the organization you worked for during that experience. If you worked under another doula, you can name them here. For freelance work, list "Self-Employed".

Location: Enter the city and state where the work took place. If it took place virtually, write “Virtual” here.

Dates: Enter the start and end months for your experience.

Description: In a few sentences or bullet points, detail the work you completed. Include information about prenatal, birth and/or postpartum care, number of clients served, and any advocacy work on behalf of your clients.

Here's an example of a completed experience section:

Career Break

If you took an intentional break from being a doula for 6 months or more during the past 5 years, please describe the nature of your break in a few sentences. Examples of career breaks include pausing to have and care for your own children, transitioning to another profession, or addressing other urgent personal needs.

Need Help?

We’re here for you! If you have any questions or need clarification on any part of this process, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Download a copy of the example resume

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